Sicav Fonds. Morgan stanley horizon funds. What is société d investissement à capital variable sicav.
Définition de société d investissement à capital variable sicav la sicav est un organisme financier gérant des fonds sous forme de valeurs mobilières actions obligations. Morgan stanley investment funds. A fcp fonds commun de placement is an open ended mutual fund constituted as a contractual common ownership entity without legal personality.
Any sicav is supervised by the cssf commission du surveillance du secteur financier and will have to fulfil its reporting requirements to this institution.
Also the cssf will need to approve the constitutive documents of the fund its directors the management regulations and other issues before the fund is created. Sicav is an acronym in french for société d investissement à capital variable which can be translated as investment company with variable capital. A difference of legal status. Each investment fund has a domicile.